Welcome to the website of ProEko log houses! We are a contractor of high quality log houses. ProEko is a team of experienced professionals who provide a comprehensive service to build an exceptional round log house. We are a family-owned company that was founded on a passion for building houses. Our head office is located in Maków Podhalański, our sales office is located in Crakow. We invite you to take advantage of the wide offer of the company Log houses by ProEko - and also you can enjoy the warm atmosphere of a log house.
We build log houses of various diameters. Amongst other things, we provide our customers with:
Possibility to see our realisations in the country
High-quality materials
Comprehensive construction of log house up to a shell and core state
Constant contact with the customer during project realization
Preparation of a competitive offer tailored to customer requirements
Clear terms of cooperation
Wooden houses are unique constructions that evoke centuries of building tradition and the desire to live close to nature. Wooden houses are a guarantee of stability for years. At ProEko, we make structures from the highest quality wood. We started our business in the area at the foothills of Babia Góra, where we manufactured wooden products.
Our specialists work closely with the customer to achieve a satisfactory design and its effective realization. All this is done so that each customer can enjoy comfortable living in a log house for many years to come.
A log house is a solid construction. As ProEko, we perform log houses of different diameters – the realisation of a specific type of house is determined at the stage of consultation with the customer. We provide the possibility to see our realisations in the country, because we know about the significant investment required to build a house. When you examine the houses we have built, you will see how unique these constructions are. Their wooden structure is both the basis of the houses themselves and a unique design element. We also carry out complex log houses including finishing works.
In case you need it we can recommend outside designers to prepare project documentation for submission in order to get a building permit. We value good contact with our customers, that is the reason why we offer open communication and constant contact during the building process. Take advantage of ProEko’s offer – together we will create the log house of your dream.
The log (or knotted) construction technology we use involves joining the logs on what is known as the longitudinal joint. The logs are tied on the knots – one on top of the other – in the cut-out bowls, and insulation in the form of a sealing fleece and special sealing gaskets is placed between them. Each log is connected to the other by wooden dowels about 30 cm long, which are spaced at about 1 m intervals. The lack of mossing makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of building the house.
Machine-turned round logs with fixed diameters of 24cm, 26cm, 28cm or 30cm, where all logs of the same diameter provide a striking and modern look to the body of the house.
The entire completed construction is made in a single log section, chosen in advance by the customer. All structural walls, both internal and external, are made in this section. The construction is set on a starter beam anchored to a pre-prepared foundation.
Wszelkie instalacje elektryczne oraz wodno-kanalizacyjne prowadzone są pod podłogą. Dzięki temu są niewidoczne i nie mają żadnego wpływu na wygląd wnętrza pomieszczeń, pozwalając na ich dowolną aranżację.
Możliwe są do wykonania także zabudowy fragmentowe ścian z bali zarówno w łazienkach jak i innych pomieszczeniach, a następnie wykończenie na dalszym etapie materiałami wykończeniowymi np. ceramicznymi lub kamieniem naturalnym.